I am excited to share more of my commissioned work in this space. It is a work in progress. If you are interested in a commissioned piece, contact me and lets talk about your vision!

Tales of a Sudsy Sunset

Many a tale of a sudsy sunset has been and will be told on the terrace of the Straddie Brewing Co. This piece was inspired in 2022 whilst relaxing on the brewery terrace amongst the gorgeous décor and colours, and the spectacular Goompi vistas. He has one eye open overlooking the joyful interactions and stunning sunsets unfolding in his presence.

The Coccus Palm and Bangalow Palm materials were collected from gardens on Minjerribah//Tjerrangerri/Terrangee (North Stradbroke Island). This material would otherwise have ended up in landfill. The willow was recycled, and the raffia comes from the Palmyra Palm in Madagascar and was hand-dyed using natural dyes in Melbourne.

Artist: Paula Boo
Medium: Coccus Palm, Bangalow Palm, Hand-dyed Raffia, Willow
Techniques: Twining, binding and fringing
Dimensions: 120cm x 100cm

Minokō Migration

Such an absolute pleasure and honour to create this unique sculptural piece for @minoko_on_midjimberry . Massive thank you to Bruce and Jocelyn for commissioning me in 2023 to create an original work for your beautiful home. It was wonderful to be shown the space, measure the dimensions and then given carte blanche to create a unique woven sculptural work.

It is always such a wonderful lesson to listen to the natural fibres and let them take their own shape. Minokō Migration started out as a dreamy wave then took form as an abstract whale with both an exoskeleton and an endoskeleton. She is designed to change directions with the annual Humpback Whale migration that passes by Minokō on Midjimberry. She balances delicately, taking her place proudly, waiting for the season to start.

Artist: Paula Boo
Medium: Bangalow Palm, Bangalow Palm, Hand-dyed Raffia, Cane
Techniques: Alternate Weave,Twining, Stitching
Dimensions: 80cm x 30cm x 20cm

Baby Vai Bassinet

In 2019, I was commissioned to create this amazing bassinet for my friend's first grandchild. Turns out that baby Vai came into this world at pretty much the exact time that I finished his bed. Must have been waiting for me to hurry up so he had a comfy place to lay his head! lol

Massive thank you to Julie Sisco for her beautiful photography and fun photo shoots!

Artist: Paula Boo
Medium: Hand-dyed Raffia
Techniques: Coiling
Dimensions: 93cm x 50cm x 30cm

My Heart My Home

I had the honour and pleasure of creating My Heart My Home for Wesley Enoch in 2021. It was such an interesting piece to weave with a mind of its own. Wesley collected his basket from the Island Arts Gallery whilst I had our lovely little visiting koala in my arms waiting for the Wildlife Rescue. I somehow still managed to get a photo. Lol

Sometimes I have a clear vision of what I am creating and sometimes woven pieces reveal their essence, their shape, their purpose, their story while in my hands. Part of being a weaver is being able to listen and let the story unfold. Weaving My Heart, My Home, I listened to the fibres as they shaped themselves into a heart like vessel. Welcoming and nurturing at one end, wrapping around and creating a space to hold then opening up at the other end to share and flow.

My Heart, My Home was created to hold and share love and laughter. Whether it collects beautiful memories in your home, shares delicious offerings on your table with loved ones, or holds chosen items, this vessel is filled with beautiful intention. May its journey be surrounded by peace, love, laughter, happiness, freedom and passion always.

Artist: Paula Boo
Medium: Cats Claw, Bangalow Palm, Beach Spinifex, Phormium tenax
Techniques: Melon basket alternate weave, binding
Dimensions: 100cm x 20cm to 50cm x 50cm

Shadow Dancer

Shadow Dancer began her journey with stories of greys and blues, with a hint of green in my lovely client’s dreams. In 2022, she commissioned me to create this piece not knowing I would name her Shadow Dancer. Unbeknownst to me, her beloved cat Shadow had travelled over the Rainbow bridge only weeks before this piece arrived in her home. Shadow Dancer now lovingly hangs in her living room .

The Coccus Palm and Bangalow Palm materials were collected from gardens on Minjerribah//Tjerrangerri/Terrangee (North Stradbroke Island). This material would otherwise have ended up in landfill. The raffia comes from the Palmyra Palm in Madagascar and was hand-dyed using natural dyes in Melbourne.

Artist: Paula Boo
Medium: Coccus Palm, Bangalow Palm, Hand-dyed Raffia
Techniques: Twining, binding and fringing
Diameter: 90cm